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Graphic with building and text Help inform the design of the new Cranleigh Leisure Centre.

Date posted: 11 December 2023

Have your say on the design of Cranleigh Leisure Centre

As part of ongoing improvements to leisure and recreational facilities in the borough, we are planning a new leisure centre in Cranleigh

We’d love to hear your views, so are asking for your feedback and suggestions to help inform the new design. By filling in our survey you can help shape the design and give us your thoughts on how you would use the new leisure centre.

To take part in the survey click here

You can also access the survey via the Waverley Borough Council website. Go to the leisure centre section and then click through to Cranleigh new leisure centre.

This survey closes 19 January 2024 at 5pm. Responses will help inform the design and then we will share detailed plans.

Councillor Liz Townsend Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Economic Development, said:

"We are delighted to share this survey to help us design the new leisure facility in Cranleigh. The council is committed to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030 and this project is a fantastic opportunity to lower carbon emissions and deliver a wonderful new facility that is fit for the future.

“I’m excited about what this new facility can offer in terms of how it will look, how it can be a hub for community health and wellbeing and how it can benefit the residents of Cranleigh and the surrounding villages. We’d love to hear your views. Please complete the survey before 19 January 2024 and let us know what you think.”

If you have any questions about the survey or the new leisure centre, or would like to send more detailed feedback please email

Categories: Council News