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Electric vehicle charge point at Farnham’s Riverside Car Park 3.

Date posted: 16 April 2021

Going electric at Riverside 3, Farnham

Leading energy specialist, ENGIE and Waverley Borough Council have completed the installation of a series of electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Farnham, bolstering the Council’s efforts to improve charging infrastructure across the district.

This latest installation, powered by ENGIE’s GeniePoint network, sees three brand new EV charge points go live at Farnham’s Riverside Car Park 3 – a key location for those accessing Farnham Leisure Centre, Brightwell Tennis Club, and a range of local businesses. The new chargers comprise of one rapid charger (EV Box QC50) and two fast (Alfen) charge points, offering EV drivers flexible charging options.

The scheme is part of Waverly Borough Council’s efforts to help Farnham become more environmentally friendly and improve its sustainability credentials. It follows on from the successful rollout of EV charging provisions in public car parks in Cranleigh, Godalming and Haslemere.

Richard Homewood, Head of Environmental & Regulatory Services at Waverley Borough Council, said: “We hope that by increasing publicly-accessible electric vehicle charging points we can encourage wider adoption of electric vehicles in our towns, working towards improving both general air quality for residents and overall environmental credentials. This is just the first phase of our plan to help improve sustainability in Farnham, and we hope to be able roll out even greater provision for EV drivers in the town in the future.”

Residents can find out more about electric vehicle charging points by visiting Waverley Borough Council - Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points in Waverley