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Graphic with photo of Ewhurst and Horsham signpost with text Give your view on the Ewhurst and Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan.

Date posted: 11 November 2021

Give your views on the Ewhurst and Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan

Residents and interested parties are invited to give their views on the Ewhurst and Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan from Thursday 11 November 2021.

Neighbourhood Plans give communities the opportunity to decide what their town or village should look like and how it should develop and grow in the future.

Ewhurst & Ellens Green Parish Council resolved to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan in 2014 and has now formally submitted the document to Waverley Borough Council for its independent examination.

Residents and interested parties will be able to view and comment on the plan and supporting documents for a six-week period, until 23:59pm on Thursday 23 December 2021.

Neighbourhood Plan documents can be viewed here.

Hard copies of the documents will made available at Waverley Borough Council offices, The Burys, Godalming, Cranleigh Library and Bramley Library.

Comments can be made via the Ewhurst and Ellens Green Neighbourhood Plan pages, via email to or by post to the Planning Policy Team, Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1HR.