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Date posted: 01 March 2022

Free training for Waverley businesses that want to reduce their carbon footprint

Small Waverley businesses that want to reduce their carbon footprint have one final chance to take up an offer of free carbon literacy training.

The training is arranged by Waverley Borough Council and delivered by Inspiration Space and is just one of many council initiatives designed to support business growth after the pandemic. 

The last of three, seven-week long courses begins on 15 March. The programme includes an education in climate science led by Dr Tammi Sinha. Participants will use interactive tools and videos to learn about the science behind climate change and how rising temperatures will impact their business and home.

Attendees will work with peer mentors to create a plan detailing the action they will take to become a more carbon light business. Once complete, the plan can be submitted to The Carbon Literacy Project for accreditation.

Councillor Liz Townsend, Waverley Borough Council's Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, says: “More than 70% of people will buy something based on sustainability yet only 28% of small businesses in the UK have a plan to attract these customers. This free training will cover the simple swaps businesses can make to reduce their carbon footprint and will arm them with knowledge that will attract new customers, save money, and provide access to new sources of funding.”

The Carbon Literacy Training is funded by the government’s Additional Restrictions Grant.

Details about how to register for training can be found at  our Business Waverley website