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Date posted: 15 May 2024

Fit and Ready scheme in Waverley transforms pre-surgery rehabilitation

A local man’s success story underscores the transformative impact of the Fit and Ready scheme, a community fitness programme tailored for residents in Waverley awaiting knee and hip surgeries.

Frimley Health Foundation Trust, in partnership with local leisure operator Everyone Active, launched the community rehabilitation programme in February at Farnham Leisure Centre which they manage in partnership with Waverley Borough Council.

The Fit and Ready programme is a 12-week pilot programme aimed at optimising participants’ physical and mental condition before surgery.

It offers a structured regime of exercises designed to promote positive behaviour change and long-term health outcomes.

The pilot scheme has received enough funding to run for one year, however there are plans to continue the programme beyond its first anniversary.

Graham Mollart, a 68-year-old Waverley resident awaiting a full knee replacement, exemplifies the programme's success.

Reflecting on his experience, Graham said: "It makes me feel better both physically and mentally. It gives me a routine."

He further highlighted the programme's role in enhancing his strength, mobility and overall confidence. "It's made me realise how much I can push myself. I have got stronger in my muscles generally, including around the knee. I’m using my cane less, my posture is better and more upright and I’m more confident in walking and lifting, which really cheers you up!"

The Fit and Ready scheme is delivered by Everyone Active instructors specifically tailored for residents on waiting lists for knee and hip surgery. Patients are invited to participate by their referring physiotherapist or surgeon.

The programme takes place weekly at Farnham Leisure Centre and features group circuits, standing and seated exercises, followed by a social tea and coffee session.

Additionally, specialised health and wellbeing discussions are held twice a month, covering essential topics such as movement, nutrition, sleep hygiene and stress management.

Waverley Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI, Councillor Kika Mirylees, said: “We are incredibly supportive of initiatives like this which help support the community’s health and wellbeing; leading up to surgery can be a difficult time both physically and mentally, and I hope residents will make good use of the Fit and Ready scheme.”