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Date posted: 04 September 2024

Council to consult top taxpayers on voluntary contributions

Waverley Borough Council is asking residents in the highest Council Tax Band H if they would be willing to make additional voluntary financial contributions to help fund improvements in the borough.

Inspired by Westminster City Council’s successful scheme, this bold new proposal encourages higher value properties to pay extra money towards local priorities and projects. Residents that choose to participate make financial contributions to a charitable trust and help to decide which discretionary services the money is used to support.

The Executive at Waverley Borough Council met on Tuesday 3 September to consider the proposal. Councillors authorised a consultation with all properties in Council Tax Band H to find out if residents would be willing to contribute towards a Voluntary Council Tax initiative.

Councillor Mark Merryweather, Waverley Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property is optimistic about the proposal’s potential:

“We’ve seen in other parts of the country that there are people who are passionate about their local area and are willing to contribute a little extra to support projects that make a real difference in their communities.

“Thanks to the generosity of local residents, Westminster’s scheme generates an additional £300,000 for community initiatives each year, and I believe our more affluent and altruistic residents could make a similarly profound impact here.

“This initiative is entirely voluntary – there’s no obligation, just an opportunity to give back. If we can rally support for this scheme, the additional contributions could fund valuable services for our most vulnerable residents and launch projects that enhance quality of life across the borough.”

The initiative underscores the council’s commitment to innovative solutions and community-driven progress. Waverley Borough Council will soon reach out to all Band H Council Taxpayers to seek their input and support. Should the idea resonate with residents, the council plans to establish a charitable trust to oversee contributions and distribution of funds. The charitable trust will ensure funds are directed towards local discretionary projects that truly make a difference.


Categories: Council News