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Date posted: 09 March 2022

Council Tax Energy Rebate

The Chancellor announced on Thursday 3 February 2022 that some households will receive a rebate to help with their energy bills.

Most people paying Council Tax living in properties in bands A, B, C and D will receive a one-off payment of £150.

If you live in a property in Council Tax band E, F, G or H, you may be eligible for a discretionary payment to help with your energy bills.

We are waiting for more guidance on both the main scheme and the discretionary payments scheme and we will update this news story when we receive more information.

The government has indicated that it does not expect councils to send payments out before April 2022.

Pay by Direct Debit?

If you are eligible for the rebate and you pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit, we will pay £150 directly into the bank account your Direct Debit payments are taken from.  You do not need to do anything.

How to set up Direct Debit

Please go to the Waverley Portal to sign up to pay your Council Tax by Direct Debit:

If you don't pay by Direct Debit

If you don’t pay by Direct Debit, we’ll contact you to ask you to provide your payment details. 

Please don't contact us in the meantime. We won't be able to help you until we receive further guidance from the government.

This is not a reduction in Council Tax

This payment is not a reduction in Council Tax and will not show on your bill.