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Graphic with bin lorry and clock icons, and the text Council services over the Spring bank holiday weekend.

Date posted: 23 May 2024

Council services over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend

Waverley's offices close for the Spring Bank Holiday weekend at 4.45pm on Friday 24 May and reopen at 8.45am on Tuesday 28 May.

Bin collections

Refuse, recycling, food waste and garden waste collections take place as normal on Bank Holiday Monday 27 May.

Check your bin collection day online

Housing Benefit payments

Housing Benefit payments due on Monday 27 May will be paid on Tuesday 28 May.

Emergency contacts  

In the event of an emergency with a risk to life, for example flood or fire, call 999 immediately.  

For emergencies relating to council services during this period, please use the out of hours number: 01483 523200

Emergency repairs for tenants:  If you are a Waverley housing tenant, the emergency housing repairs page provides contact information.

Leisure centre opening times

To find out more about any changes to timetables/opening times at your local leisure centre over the Bank Holiday weekend, please visit the relevant website:

Cranleigh Leisure Centre

Farnham Leisure Centre

Godalming Leisure Centre

Haslemere Leisure Centre

Categories: Council News