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Date posted: 10 March 2021

Consultation on a new Public Space Protection Order in Godalming

Waverley Borough Council and Surrey Police, through the Safer Waverley Partnership, have developed proposals for a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) covering anti-social behaviour in the Godalming Town Council area.

This comes in response to the increasing anti-social behaviour in the Godalming area, related to street drinking, substance abuse and general rowdiness. A consultation on the proposed order which relates to a range of anti-social behaviour issues, currently affecting the Waverley community in Godalming and across Waverley including parks and countryside sites runs from now until 2 April 2021.

Councillor Nick Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Operational and Enforcement Services, said: "The increasing incidence of anti-social behaviour in parts of the Godalming area is having a significant negative impact on community well-being, crime and disorder. We want to nip it in the bud before it endangers the sustainability of the local economy and the opportunities for external investment from businesses considering opening in Waverley.”

Councillor Anne-Marie Rosoman, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety, added: “We are working with Surrey Police and other members of the Safer Waverley Partnership to address this anti-social behaviour by a small minority of people, which is adversely affecting the quality of life of the vast majority of the community. The Public Space Protection Order provides the tools for the Police and the council to tackle these issues more quickly and effectively.”

The PSPO also includes measures to control the lighting of bonfires and BBQs on Waverley’s parks and open spaces, by prohibiting these on all land in the borough managed by Waverley Borough Council, unless the permission of the council has been given, in advance.

Bonfires and BBQs have been an increasing problem, especially during the summer months in areas such as Frensham Common and the recent Heathland fires have shown just how serious and devastating uncontrolled bonfires and BBQs can be. 

Councillor Liz Townsend, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Parks & Leisure, said: “We want people to enjoy our parks and open spaces but we have to ensure we protect them from the devastating environmental damage and risk of harm caused by bonfires and BBQs getting out of control. It is not an absolute ban, but people will need to get prior permission and observe clear safety measures if they wish to have a bonfire or BBQ on our land.”

Full details of the draft Order and the background to the proposed PSPO can be found at Views and feedback on the proposed Order can be submitted by email to or by post to ASB PSPO, Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, GU7 1HR.