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Councillor Townsend and Dr Carrington standing outside sign for Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic, with text Chiropractic clinic benefits from REPF grant.

Date posted: 27 November 2024

Chiropractic Clinic benefits from REPF Grant for sustainable growth

The Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic, which received Rural England Prosperity funding though Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils, welcomed WBC Councillor Liz Townsend last week so she could see the positive impact of the funding at first hand. 

The clinic, which was originally started by Dr Michelle Carrington in the front two rooms of her house, was able to buy a new chiropractic table, air conditioning and solar panels. The addition of a new table allowed the clinic to open an additional treatment room, and the air conditioning means the business can continue to operate safely during summer without the rooms overheating and keep patients warm in winter.

Solar panels reduce the carbon footprint of the clinic and reduce electricity costs, increasing the profitability of the business. The clinic has also engaged an additional part-time chiropractor to ensure that there is sufficient capacity in the system to accommodate all existing patients, and to enable the clinic to grow.

The Rural England Prosperity Fund was provided via Waverley and Guildford Borough Councils, Tandridge District Council and by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Businesses could apply for up to 50% of capital costs for projects which create jobs or grow the local rural economy such as farm diversification, food and drink produce, business development, community cafés and shops. Currently, 15 REPF grants have been awarded in Waverley with a total value just over £330k. Haslemere Chiropractic Clinic is one of the projects to receive a grant.

Councillor Liz Townsend BEM, Waverley Borough Council's Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, said:  ‘It is fantastic to be able to go out and see how the Rural England Prosperity funding is making a real difference to businesses, which are the lifeblood of our local communities. The funding is helping these businesses to flourish and employ local people – and our communities rely on the vital services they provide.”

Dr Carrington added, "I would like to thank Waverley Borough Council for all they help they have given us.”

You can find out further information about REPF grants and the projects they have helped on our Business Waverley website at Grants available to grow the rural economy (