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Date posted: 11 November 2021

Businesses invited to apply for additional restrictions grants

Waverley Borough Council has secured further central government funding to support Waverley-based  businesses  which have continued to be severely affected following the easing of national restrictions in July 2021.

The value of the funding allocated to business grants is £918,000.

Applications are open to all businesses, although priority will be given to those from businesses which missed out on earlier grant schemes as well as:

  • businesses which supply the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors
  • businesses in the events sector
  • businesses involved in the travel industry

Businesses that are in administration, insolvent or where a striking-off notice has been made, are not eligible for funding under this scheme.

An application process is in place, and applicants will need to demonstrate:

  • Their business is based within the Waverley area
  • From August 2021 to October 2021, their gross income or turnover has reduced by at least 50% from pre-pandemic levels, and this must be provided as evidence
  • Evidence of any property or fixed costs
  • All applicants will acknowledge that the application and award details will be shared with other government departments, including HM Revenues & Customs.

Councillor Liz Townsend, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Parks and Leisure, said: "Our businesses are the lifeblood of the borough and we need to do what we can to ensure that they receive the necessary help to get through what are still difficult times. Jobs and livelihoods depend on a thriving business sector so please take a look to see if your business qualifies."

Councillor Mark Merryweather, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Commercial Services, said: "Previous grants have been a lifeline for many businesses, but it's been very frustrating that there are many others that didn't qualify for them. Under this new Additional Restrictions Grant we hope that more can find the financial support they need as many businesses in the borough will still face a very uncertain financial situation.

To apply go to the application form and for further information and guidance for applications go to the council's website. 

Categories: Council News