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Black and white photo of close-up of bicycle wheel on road.

Date posted: 09 November 2021

Waverley Borough Council supports climate event in Farnham to mark COP26

As the UN Climate Change Conference continues in Glasgow, Waverley residents will be able to take part in a special event in Farnham this week that will bring COP26 to Surrey.

The transport-themed event, ‘Greener Transport Surrey’, organised by Surrey County Council and supported by Waverley Borough Council, will take place in Upper Hart Car Park, Farnham this Wednesday, 10 November between 10am and 3pm.

It will showcase opportunities to reduce carbon emissions through transport and will be live-streamed globally online and into the main event in Glasgow.

Some of the activities will include: 

  • Electric bike demonstrations from Canyon
  • A pedal powered Scalextric challenge
  • Free bike repairs and maintenance advice
  • Information from Energy Saving Trust
  • Free test drives of electric cars and a van from Energy Saving Trust
  • Chance to see a hydrogen bus, similar to those which will be on Surrey’s roads next year
  • Information on the climate change in Surrey, and the trees programme including free seeds and saplings.

For those unable to attend in person, residents can make changes to the way they travel that benefit the environment and register their efforts on the iDot (I do one thing) platform. By sharing your one thing by 30 November you will be entered into a prize draw to win a Canyon e-bike. Spearheaded by the Wildlife Aid Foundation, iDot encourages residents to make changes to their behaviour to reduce their carbon footprint.

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said:

““As a council whose aim is to become carbon neutral by 2030, the promotion of more active travel options such as cycling, and walking is high on our agenda. I do hope that residents will go along and get involved if they can. It’s an excellent opportunity for people to learn more about sustainable travel and how we can all do our bit to reduce carbon emissions.

“I would also like to remind residents that there is still time to comment on the proposed new cycle route in Godalming which will improve the connection from the east side of Godalming with the train station and from the northwest side of Godalming to the town centre.  We are keen to get your views so do please visit Have Your Say Today – Guildford To Godalming Greenway – Commonplace before the closing date of 21 November and let us know what you think.”

Read more about Waverley Borough Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan here.